Aquarion Evol: Final Impressions

A promise made 24,000 years ago. A failed attempt 12,000 years ago. Maybe this time, that promise can finally be kept. But is it truly all about promises set many years ago? Can’t one love someone for just the way they are? Who cares about the idea of fate governing the actions that one takes? Amata wants to create his own story, not follow something told over 24,000 years go. This was his moment; he will write his own path and overcome his fate. From Amata’s eyes, we see the determination of a boy who finally has found his reason to live: to be with her.

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Recorder to Randoseru: Episode 26 (Final Episode)

It is a beautiful day outside, and Atsushi and his class were playing jump rope. Of course, due to Atsushi’s height, Hina, Jun, and Midori were having a hard time jumping the rope at least once. Takumi gets him to jump in a crouch position, of which it works for some time. However, Atsushi was clearly feeling the effects of jumping like this.

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Aquarion Evol: Episode 26 (Final Episode)

Amata attempts to stop Mikage in his tracks using Infinity Punch; however, Mikage blocks it with several god hands that appear out of nowhere. Of course, when one is trying to become a god, nearly anything is possible. Is there truly any way to stop Mikage now that he is in his best from with Mikono, Kagura, and Zessica at his disposal?

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Recorder to Randoseru: Episode 25

There was only one slice of marble cake left, so Takumi states that they should have a challenge to see who gets the last piece of cake. Atsushi suggested a race, but Takumi claims that he would easily win that given his size. Because Hina, Jun, and Midori were playing as well, Tetsuya tells him that they would have to come up with a non-athletic game to be fair. The group decides to play hide-and-seek during recess, but, given Atsushi’s size, he is the one with the clear disadvantage over the rest.

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Aquarion Evol: Episode 25

Amata is clearly angry that everything that he has was taken away from him. Wasting little time, he sets off to find Kagura and knock some sense into him. Amata transforms into one head of Aquarion and starts beating Kagura up, telling him that he not only killed their father, but took away everything that was important to him. Everything he had was what Amata wished to have from the start. Kagura would transform into one head of Aquarion as well. He states that he was only raised by Mikage, and every day was pure hell. The only one whom he could trust was Silvie, the girl whom he love for so long. He claims that Amata is the reason why they were not with Silvie 12,000 years ago, that he is weak, and becuase of his weakness, he let things like his love for Sylvie and their mother slip away from him. Amata states that that is not true. This was not about destiny. He didn’t love Mikono because of destiny. Amata loves her as she is right now, and no fate decided that outcome. Amata lives for the present, while Kagura relies on the past. That was the key difference between the two. The whole fight was not simply a challenge of breaking destiny or not, but a right for which story shall pass; the one of the past, or the one of the present and near future.

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Recorder To Randseru: Episode 24

Atsumi and Sayo make it to the lunch line, but it would be crammed with people already. Atsumi did not want to deal with the crowd, so Sayo decides to piggyback her to the line, much to her embarrassment. Sayo had always wanted to have a little sister since she was an only title. Because of her physique, Atsumi would have to do. Atsumi also wondered what it would be like to have a younger sister instead of a younger brother. When asked what he calls her, she states that he just calls him sis, a rather boring way to address someone.

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Recorder To Randseru: Episode 23

Atsushi, along with Tetsuya and Takumi, would enter Atsumi’s school for the their school fair. Everyone seemed to be attracted to Atsushi due to his height. While Takumi claims that he does fit well with this crowd than with those at their elementary school, after being easily frightened by a ghost, Tetsuya states that he still acts the same no matter what age group he is surrounded in.

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Aquarion Evol: Episode 23

So, has everything been solved, or did things just get even more complicated? That was what this episode left me thinking about. Although there were many things solved in this episode that were left hanging or were still mysterious to me in Sousei no Aquarion, I felt like this provided much insight on how to look at this situation. However, there is something there that I cannot place my finger on. I think there is more to this than meets the eye, but I cannot figure out what.

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